Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One uninstall invalidates another...

Here's a mess for you: uninstalling one product fouls the registration for another. This involves Microsoft SQL Server, Nuance PaperPort, and Nuance PDF Converter.

I uninstalled MS SQL Server 2008R2 from my development machine. Took awhile but seemed to work just fine.

Unfortunately when I opened  Nuance's PaperPort Pro and opened a document, PDF Converter opened and displayed an activation dialogue box which I responded to.  

No problem... right? Wrong. 

Once that happened, PaperPort throws a watermark on all my documents:

DocuCom.PDF Trial

Tech support at Nuance was no picnic... telephone quality to whichever country I was connected to was horrible. I could hardly understand the support reps because of the fuzziness and static on the lines. Four calls/transfers later, I'm told to uninstall and reinstall the program. I go back to my downloaded installer (was version 14.1), reinstall PaperPort and now I only have version 14.0 (14.1 fixed a file handling bug I had reported).

So what are my options at this point:
  1. Stick with the 14.0 version and hope that that bug doesn't come back to bite me again.
  2. Make another long, unintelligible call and pay more money to get the latest installer download link.
Yuck! I don't know if it's Microsoft's screw-up or Nuance's, but in the end it's  the customer that gets screwed.

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